Island Blue
Boredom didn't frighten me. There are worse pangs: the sorrow of not sharing with a loved one the beauty of lived moments. Travelling truely alone for the first time made me understand the real meaning of solitude: what others miss out on by not being with the person who experiences it.
My time on this magical Blue Island is overcome with a sense of malencholy, and blue is the perfect colour to describe my incredible experience on this land. Only few will come away with this feeling of true tranquility.
Untitled 01, 2013
Pigment Print, 22x15 inch
Untitled 02, 2013
Pigment Print, 22x15 inch
Untitled 03, 2013
Pigment Print, 22x15 inch
Untitled 04, 2013
Pigment Print, 22x15 inch
Untitled 05, 2013
Pigment Print, 22x15 inch
Untitled 06, 2013
Pigment Print, 22x15 inch